Verdigris finishing
Verdigris finishing is a process used to accelerate the natural aging patina on bronze, brass or copper. So when clients are looking for this natural aged effect on new garden ornament, it makes a great finishing option.
Brilliant patina effects are achieved that emulate grand matured garden ornament. And it’s not just metal items that can undergo this process. Stone sculpture also can be finished to resemble solid bronze with varying degrees patina.
Verdigris finishing is an option for clients looking for a natural aged effect on new garden ornament but without the wait. Brilliant effects are achieved that emulate the grand matured garden ornament. Metal and stone sculpture can be finished to resemble solid bronze at varying degrees of age and patina.
Artistic Metals have just completed a commission to Verdigris Finish a life-size cast metal discus thrower.
Preparation before transformation
Firstly the cast iron statue needed remedial work. Smoothing and repair any pits and defects within the cast surface.

When that was done the statue was then anti-corrosion treated. Then the green patina skilfully created using Artistic Metals specialist aging formula.

Verdigris bronze is a familiar sight in the gardens of stately homes and country houses. Where bronze sculptures are often displayed and left to weather. The beautiful bluey green tones blend subtly with the natural garden colours and add character and charm. And it’s for this reason that Verdigris finishing has become a popular finishing process. And not just in the garden. In addition items such as lighting fixtures and fittings, balustrading, wall panels and sign work are also suitable for this process.
Artistic Metals specialise in decorative metal finishing and have a standard range that includes Verdigris, three shades of bronze, silver, copper and brass. Furthermore they will happily offer advice on decorative finishing projects of any size.
Artistic Metals based in Uckfield, East Sussex. 01825 763485